
1st Presentation Self-Analysis

Presentation No.1 Reflections and Self-Analysis

1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?

Reflection: My goal was to convey the thoughts of Sri Chinmoy. As the theme was rather complicated (and due to the time provided), I attempted to make my presentation as simple as possible to let the audience understand only the basis of his ideas. The reflection from the audiences in later class was fine, and one of my goals for this 1st presentation, voice controling(speaking outloud, clealy and slowly), went successful. Still, there are many to be improved, as written below in detailes.

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)

Reflection: My goal was to speak clearly and slowly, and I believe that it was achieved. Nontheless....

Ideas for Improvement:...definitely more varieties of voice controling is required for next presentations. Creating my own rhythm, showing passions(or happiness, sadness, etc)using my voice, having pauses, and there are many other powerful effects possible with controling own voice.

3. Use of body language? (posture, gestures, eyes, face)

Reflection: When watching at the recorded video of myself presenting, I realized that I move hands too much, and my face expression is rather contradicting to the theme. I could have been a little bit more serious or tranquil considering the topic I talked about. Non-verbal communication should be very much improved by the next presentation.

Ideas for Improvement: For my next presentations, it would be better to think about the theme more carefully, so that I will be able to use the appropreate and more effective body language.

4. Use of visuals? Preparation & Rehearsal Process?

Reflection: When I was rehearsaling a day bofore the presantaion day, I thought the number of slides may be too little. However, the presentation including Q & A session, ended up to be just within the time. I think that the type of visuals was appropreate, and that I spent enough time for preparation and reheasals.

Ideas for Improvement: Preparations and rehearsals went well because the presentation was only 3min long. If it were longer one, I would really need to start looking for visuals, making PP and reheasals much more beforehand.

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