
Presentation #1 (16 dec 2009)

PAL for my 1st presentation:
to talk about the teaching of Sri Chinmoy and to let the audience think about the difference between peace-talkers and peace-dreamers.
My 8 classmates and Marc in AEP class.
3minutes max.+short Q&A session. simple as possible.

I brainstormed my passions that be simple but interesting enough to give a presentation in front of the audience. I did some practices to make sure it does not go over the time limit. Since the theme is a little bit serious, I tried not to use too much words and instead, I spent very much time to find effective pictures on "yahoo!"

2:Content/Overall impression
I wanted the audiences to know that it is not enough to speak about peace if they really seek for the peaceful world. Hopefully I could give them some time to think about what we all may possibly do for creating peace.

Attempted to talk slowly and softly. I also tried to use the pauses effectively.

4:Body language
Due to the type of this presentation, active body language is not necessary. The reason why I was holding a bord was not to move my hands too much. Was it successful......?

I used "yahoo!", and it took time to find the picture of a girl on the 2nd last page. I wanted the visual to be matching with the content of the presentaion but not to be too serious or depressing.

Hopefully my 1st presentation went all right.
Thank you for listening, Marc and my classmates of AEP!


Analysis of TED video: Evelyn Glennie

A deaf percussionist, Evelyn Glennie, demonstrates how "listening" involves not only letting the sound waves hit the eardrums, but also (or even much more importantly,)feeling the music using the entire body.

Analysis of the video:

・She talks slowly so that everyone can understand her even though she has her own accent in English. Very easy to follow what she is talking about.
・She actually plays some instruments during her speech. This is effective in order to keep the audiences' attention.
・She often makes eye contacts to the audiences.
・Some funny jokes that she makes during the speech is also one of the tips to keep the audiences listen to her with a full attention.

・Maybe she could have talked in a slightly more high toned voice. Her voice sometimes get too low that I find a little difficulty to get her words.

However, considering that she is almost totally deaf, the quality of Evelyn's speech in absolutely amazing. Very persuasive and impressive.